May 232011

Well, I completed my first functional program. It is severely limited, but it is able to successfully connect to and access data from a ThinkGear device.

ThinkGear Interface Test

This program requires you to specify the COM port your ThinkGear is attached to, and assumes that it is at the default baud rate (9600). It seemed a good idea to ensure I could get the data, before I worried about scanning COM ports and baud rates.

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May 202011
I worked on a solution to the problem and succeeded in getting the ThinkGear class working from the default package with reflection. This was my first attempt at using the reflection APIs and while the solution was very straight forward, it is very ugly and time consuming. It begins with loading the class from the default package:
May 172011

I have decided to work with the ThinkGear Communications
Driver to utilize data from my MindWave. After reading through the developer
guides and driver references this seemed like it would be a very simple and
enjoyable experience. Since a recent class had me doing a lot of basic
graphical work in Java, I decided it would be best to exercise those skills
during this project.

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